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Key publications

Juechems, K., Altun, T., Hira, R., & Jarvstad, A. (2022). Human value learning and representation reflect rational adaptation to task demands. Nature Human Behaviour.

*Hotaling, J.M., *Jarvstad, A., Donkin, C., Newell, B.R. (2019). How to Change the Weight of Rare Events in Decisions from Experience. *equal contribution. Psychological Science 30(12), 1767–1779.Preprint MS. Preprint Supp. Mat.

Jarvstad, A., & Gilchrist, I. D. (2019). Cognitive control of saccadic selection and inhibition from within the core cortical saccadic network. Journal of Neuroscience, 39 (13) 2497-2508. Preprint MS.

Jarvstad, A., Hahn, U., Rushton, S. K., & Warren, P. A. (2013). Perceptuo-motor,cognitive, and description-based decision-making seem equally good. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110, 16271-16276.

Under review / in submission

Jarvstad, A. (2021, March 4). Beyond Nudging: Generalisable and transferable learning in human decision-making.

Hotaling, J. M., Donkin, C., Jarvstad, A., & Newell, B. R. (2020, August 3). MEM-EX: An exemplar memory model of decisions from experience.

Working papers

Jarvstad, A., Stotthart, G., Rogers, P.J., Brunstrom, J.M., Food choice and obesity: %fat mass is explained by subtle yet measurable differences in choice strategy.

Jarvstad, A., Mareschal, D., Hahn, U., Dekker, T., Imogen, L. Developmental trajectories of risky choice.

Jarvstad, A., Hamed, N., Summerfield., C. Decomposing value representations in ventro-medial prefrontal cortex.


Juechems, K., Altun, T., Hira, R., & Jarvstad, A. (in press). Human value learning and representation reflects rational adaptation to task demands. Nature Human Behaviour,

*Hotaling, J.M., *Jarvstad, A., Donkin, C., Newell, B.R. (2019). How to Change the Weight of Rare Events in Decisions from Experience. *equal contribution. Psychological Science 30(12), 1767–1779.Preprint MS. Preprint Supp. Mat.

Jarvstad, A., & Gilchrist, I. D. (2019). Cognitive control of saccadic selection and inhibition from within the core cortical saccadic network. Journal of Neuroscience, 39 (13) 2497-2508. Preprint MS.

Brunstrom, J.M., Jarvstad, A., Griggs, R.L., Potter, C., Evans, N.R., Martin, A.A., Brooks, J.C.W, Rogers, P.J. (2016). Large portions encourage the selection of palatable rather than filling foods. Journal of Nutrition, 146(10): 2117-2123. Preprint MS

Bourdeaux, C.P., Thomas, M.J.C., Gould, T.H., Malhotra, G., Jarvstad, A., Jones, T., Gilchrist, I.D. (2016). Increasing compliance with low tidal volume ventilation in the ICU with two nudge-based interventions: evaluation through intervention time-series analyses. BMJ Open (6), 5, e1010129.

Jarvstad, A., Hahn, U., Warren, P. A., Rushton, S. K. (2014). Are perceptuo-motor decisions really more optimal than cognitive decisions? Cognition, 130, 397-416.

Jarvstad, A., Hahn, U., Rushton, S. K., & Warren, P. A. (2013). Perceptuo-motor,cognitive, and description-based decision-making seem equally good. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110, 16271-16276.

Jarvstad, A., Rushton, S. K., Warren, P. A., & Hahn, U. (2012). Knowing when to move on: cognitive and perceptual decisions in time. Psychological Science, 23, 589–597.

Jarvstad, A. & Hahn, U. (2011). Source reliability and the conjunction fallacy. Cognitive Science, 35, 682–711.

Jarvstad, A, Rushton, S. K., Warren P. A., Hahn, U. (2011). When perceptual- and cognitive decisions are excellent – mostly. Journal of Vision, 11(11): 951, doi: 10.1167/11.11.951

Jarvstad, A., & Hahn, U. (2009). Unreliable sources and the conjunction fallacy. In N.A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (3034 - 3039). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.

Jarvstad, A., Hahn, U., Warren, P., & Rushton, S. (2009). Exploring the limits of optimal motor-planning [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):1107,, doi:10.1167/9.8.1107.